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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What makes me special?

I've always wondered what it is it inside me that can really carry me throughout the life? What is it that really people like about me? What is it that i want to achieve in life? What is it that really makes me special?
I believe, i have the ability to reach the people through spoken words, and that really makes me special. I can attract good intellectual people through my words of wisdom and shear knowledge and experience that i carry with me about life matters and relationships. There is always a choice for us to choose. We choose what we've been choosing always, and in that process we never realize that most of the times we are selecting things for the first times, but the process we follow to make a decision is common. And that amuses us and tells us what is really right or wrong for us. For example: when in some point in past life if i was so desperate to achieve a milestone, for which i ve been working hard, and it was never fulfilled in a concious life. Years passed and one day that dream comes true, when u would not have even expected that this could happen. So What to do? Emotions are very complex in nature. Some things in life you cannot figure it out and analyze easily like other things you used to analyze. The thing is you just don't know what to do? and again u have to decide, define, measure, analyze and choose. If you don't decide you 'll stay there unnecessarily for a long time wasting your valuable time and energy. The thing is this shall too pass. Be yourself. Do that you always do, don't change and try to jump and take the wrong path. Because u know it for sure that what path is correct for you.
Use your head and not heart while in confused with emotions..

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